Praise for Words, Ink
American Association of University Women –
Maxine Goodman’s role as public relations chair for the past 5 years for the American Association of University Women (AAUW) has been flawlessly outstanding. Maxine’s PR work has been timely and accurate. I am pleased to present her with a Certificate of Distinction of the Tucson Branch’s Women of Distinction Award.
Betty Jett, AAUW Co-President
League of Women Voters of Greater Tucson –
Maxine Goodman has been the Media Relations Chair for the League of Women Voters for the past 6 years and served on our board. She has done a fine job of writing press releases for the League in a timely, diligent, and professional manner.
Judy Moll, League President
The League, a non-partisan political organization, encourages the informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.
Tucson Cactus & Succulent Society –
Maxine Goodman can be counted on to get out the word about your organization. She has publicized the 1,000-member Tucson Cactus & Succulent Society over the past 5 years, providing major features, sometimes full pages in the Arizona Daily Star and important notices about our Biennial Conference in the Tucson Weekly, Phoenix Home & Garden, Where Magazine, Zocalo, and many other places, including radio and TV appearances. You can count on her to do what is needed for your events. She goes beyond what is asked and has even sold our new book, the Field Guide to Cacti and Other Succulents in Arizona, without being asked. You can’t go wrong with Maxine.
Richard Wiedhopf, President, Tucson Cactus & Succulent Society